Propecia, the brand name of Finasteride, is the only FDA-approved orally administered drug for hair loss. The drug works directly on the cause of male pattern baldness, which is elevated dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and is effective in stopping hair loss as well as aiding in the regrowth of lost hair. Although Propecia is used widely, as with any other drug, regular use of this medication can result in certain side effects. A recent study revealed that some Propecia users tend to experience depression too. Read on to learn more about this study relating Propecia with depression.
Results of the study relating Propecia and depression
The preliminary study was conducted on 90 persons with hair loss, of which 61 men were Propecia users. The research revealed that among the many Propecia users 11% faced mild depression symptoms, 28% of them experienced moderate depression symptoms, while 36% of the men had severe depressive symptoms and 44% from this same group had suicidal thoughts. Some of the persons who felt depression symptoms also experienced sexual dysfunction issues from the use of Propecia. The complication here is that sexual dysfunction and depression are often inter-related as one can lead to the other. The sexual side effects of Propecia can also be a potential cause for depression, researchers suggest. The persons who experienced longer lasting sexual dysfunction issues even after Propecia was discontinued were the ones who seemed more susceptible to depression symptoms.
Researchers who undertook this study explained that the link between Propecia and depression could also be biological. Propecia has the ability to cross blood-brain barriers, through which the drug is likely affecting the enzymes that usually are unbalanced in patients with anxiety and depression. As yet it hasn’t been confirmed regarding the causes of depression in Propecia users although the numbers show that there is definitely a link between them. More detailed studies in controlled groups are required to delve into this research thoroughly. Until then, men need to ensure that they are taking Propecia right and watching out for potential side effects.
What can I do to avoid Propecia related depression?
Buying Propecia is suggested for use as early as possible in those who experience hair loss. Likewise, one should also watch out for Propecia-related side effects and get treated for them as early as possible so as to avoid these symptoms worsening. So if you have instances of difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual activity, trouble with getting an orgasm, low libido or even lose interest in sex, it is time to consult with the doctor for these symptoms. Usually the adverse effects fade away after discontinuing the hair loss medication. You should also seek help if you feel the slightest trouble with depression signs and suicidal thoughts entering into your mind. Early diagnosis and remedial measures will help you in the long run. Order Propecia and take it only as intended for hair loss, but also keep an eye out for such side effects.