Know the difference between Male Viagra and Female Viagra

Male and Female Viagra

Male Viagra is helpful for a man who is suffering from erectile dysfunction whereas Female Viagra can be taken by a woman to treat her sexual issues. It is now the woman’s sexual issues are considered and the first medication is established.

Working mechanism of the medication

Both the medication would work in a different way. When Male Viagra is taken, a man has to be sexually aroused which helps the blood to flow into the genital area causing an erection.

Whereas, when the Female Viagra is taken, it would affect the brain and causes change in the chemistry. To tell in a more understandable way, Female variant helps a psychological problem whereas Male variant would address the biological issue.


The color of Male Viagra is blue whereas the color of Female Viagra is pink. Till now, when a person says about a blue pill, it would strike as the drug and this is the popularity that the medication has gained among people.

Likewise, when a woman says about pink pill in the future there are chances that others would understand that she is indicating Female version drug.

Active ingredient

Although they are called as Male Viagra and Female Viagra, there is definitely difference in the active ingredient. Sildenafil citrate is the main ingredient that is available in Male form of the pill and Flibanserin is the active ingredient that is present in Female Viagra.


Male Viagra was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the year 1998 whereas after 15 years that is in the year 2015 Female Viagra was approved. Since the former medication is there in the market for a longer period of time, there are so many researches and clinical studies conducted on it.

Since Female version is verfy new to the market there are no much trial conducted on it.


Male form of the drug can be taken as needed that is thirty to sixty minutes prior to indulging in the sexual activity whereas Female Viagra is shown to provide great effectiveness when taken daily that too at the same time.

This can be helpful for a woman as she would be sexually aroused whenever she is in need of it.

Male Viagra

This medication would work only when the man is sexually stimulated. When the man is not able to get libido, no blue pill will help him to work wonders. This would not help a man to address his psychological issue.

This is the reason why some men are not able to attain and maintain erection while taking this medication.

Female Viagra

So many sexual issues like lack of libido, unable to achieve orgasm, trouble getting lubricated, difficulty in getting sexually aroused, as well as delay in getting orgasm is very well treated by this drug.

Women say that they were able to improve their sexual life just by taking this ED pill. Since this is the first medication for women to treat sexual issues in the market, there are so many expectations and this is also coping up with that.