Levitra is an erectile dysfunction medication and it contains Vardenafil as the active ingredient. This ingredient is not suitable to be taken with many other medications. So, it is a must to avoid taking those drugs together.
Some of the pills that are not suitable to be taken with Levitra are
- All other erectile dysfunction medications
- Antibiotics like telithromycin, clarithromycin, and erythromycin.
- Antifungal drugs like ketoconazole, itraconazole, and others.
- HIV/AIDS pills like indinavir, saquinavir, ritonavir, and atazanavir.
- Heart rhythm medications like amiodarone, sotalol, dronedarone, dofetilide, procainamide, disopyramide, or quinidine.
- Drugs that are used to treat high blood pressure like prazosin, silodosin and tamsulosin.
Thisis not the complete list hence you have to consult with your healthcare professional about the drugs that you are currently taking before commencing the treatment with Levitra.
What would happen during Levitra drug interaction?
When an individual takes some other drug along with Levitra and when the drug interaction happens then the health condition would be very much spoiled. Several side effects would be triggered in the person like shortness of breath, swelling in the hands, drowsiness and much more.
There are also chances that an individual would get affected by one or more ill effects. The worst part is that, you would have taken Levitra in order to get effective erection but when the drug interactions happen it not only prevents you from getting an erection but it would also worsen your impotency condition.
What should you do to avoid these side effects in you?
To avoid these side effects caused by drug interaction, it is a must that you have to be very careful during the treatment. Listing the pills that you are supposed to take daily is essential and in addition to that, it is also important that you have to check with the doctor about the pills that you are going to start taking during the Levitra treatment.
This medication can be anything like over the counter pills, prescription drug, vitamin supplements, dietary pills and herbal drugs. Do not leave any single drug name while listing to your doctor.
The medico would change the dosage strength or the time that you are supposed to take other medications to avoid the interaction.
Levitra not only interacts with other drugs but it would also interact with alcohol, grapefruit or juice. Smoking during the treatment should also be avoided.
Can drug interactions become fatal?
Yes, there is high chance that taking Levitra with other medications would cause fatality. But this totally depends on the scenario. Once you found that certain side effects are triggered in your body and if it persists for a longer period then you have to get medical help as soon as possible.
If your ill effects are very severe then you should not wait at all and should get emergency medical assistance. Take the drugs properly as said by the medico with the appropriate dosage strength.
Never violate the instructions and be safe during the treatment.