Trust signals to watch out for in a legitimate online pharmacy

verified online pharmacy

There are many reputed online pharmacies and there are counterfeit sites as well. Due to this, it is very essential to be on a safer side by watching trustworthy signals and then go about making the purchase online.

Site should be located in the US

If you are residing in the US then to be legally safe choose an US online pharmacy. The authorities in the country are striving hard to block rogue online pharmacies. But, even if they block, the banned site owners create a new site and come back to their business. When the website is located inside the US then it would be easy for the authorities to track them. Check whether the internet drugstore has provided you with genuine location and phone number. If it is true then go about purchasing drugs from them.

They ask for a valid prescription

It is easy to find mail order pharmacies that are selling medication without even asking a medical script from the patient. These drugs would often contain no prescription or harmful ingredients in it.

A legitimate site would go about asking for a valid prescription and an online pharmacist will check its legality. Do not purchase medications from the websites that do not ask your prescription.

Opportunity to speak with the licensed pharmacist

Patients must be confused on how to use the medication, things not to do while on treatment and much more. It is essential to clear all these queries before commencing the therapy. A reputed online pharmacy would have a licensed pharmacist and they would provide you with an opportunity to speak with them. People can utilize this facility to clear their queries.

They should have a strong privacy policy

While getting drugs from a site, you need to provide certain information like credit card number, medical reports and much more. It is important that they should protect these details and should not sell it to the third parties in any case.

An authentic site would mention these clearly in their policies. So, this would be the trustworthy signal that it offers to the customers.

Good rating

Online pharmacies that are in the business for longer period and that is genuine would get good ratings from the Better Business Bureau (BBB). There are also other websites that solely concentrate on providing reviews about online drugstores. Checking those sites would provide you with some ideas.

Customer care service team

If the online pharmacy has a customer care service team which provides service 24*7 for 365 days then this is a good signal. A counterfeit site would not afford to build a team to sort out the questions of the customers.

VIPPS seal

Open the site, scroll to the bottom of the website and check for this seal. VIPPS is nothing by Verified Internet Pharmacy Practices Sites seal which is given only to the sites that follow the rules and regulations that are designed by the authorities.

If you click the seal, it would take you to the NABP website. This is the clear indication of legitimacy.

We have only mentioned few trust signals that you can check in an online drugstore. If you follow these then it is possible to get a trustworthy site to procure medications for your treatment.