It is almost impossible not to compare the two of the acclaimed drugs for treating erectile dysfunction. It is without much doubt these drugs can be declared as one of the most sought after drugs for treating this problem. There is a question which continues to linger in the minds of both the genders,which among the two is the best for intake. The question needs to be answered on various factors like the performance they produce, the minimal side effects encountered in the course of taking the medication, compatibility with one’s problem, the consolidated effect on health and though last, a critical aspect to be considered that is the price of the medicine. Of all these, the side effects and the cost factors have a major say over the others. But price should also not stand in the way of the buying the right medicine – a drug which offers the best experience.
The common differences between Viagra and Cialis
It is in this perspective, glancing into their working mechanism would aid in understanding them better. To start with there may not be much difference to share on the two. The common feature existing between the two pills is their functionality in pumping up more blood to the penis area and thereby making it stay there for an extended duration which results in the erection again for a lengthier time span. Likewise the side effects encountered by the intake of these two medicines are more or less identical. Body fatigue, headache are few easily visible side effects felt after the intake of generic Cialis and also Viagra. There are warring groups which each vouching for the two different drugs. A decisive outcome friendly towards one pill is quite tedious. The single most reason that can be attributed is human bodies are different and so are the reaction of the medicine in their bodies. The reaction of drug in the body is dependent on the metabolism rate, the age of the person and the other diseases he may be suffering from.
Which ED drug is the best?
Can the verdict be let out on which is the best? The decision invariably is determined by how much each is priced as it can make people switch sides at the cost of efficiency at times. It has also much to do with the dosage of the medication as each and every body requires different quantity for treatment. When it is bought in bulk, regardless of the medication that is being purchased, you are sure to get a handsome discount on the total price. The recent market studies reveal that Viagra is priced a tad higher than the other drug Cialis. When you make it a point to purchase your drugs from genuine online pharmacies, you can be confident of getting the medicine at a better price and at authentic quality without ending up making any compromise on the constituents of the medicine. Always think of buying Viagra or bulk purchase of Cialis online and you are sure to be stunned by the money that is easily saved.
Viagra is the market leader for many years and is construed as the first of drugs for treating erectile dysfunction. Since the drug has been in existence for quite a long time, many experiments and analysis have been done with Viagra rather than other drugs in the same category. This should not be taken as the final word but it is at its best in its class of medicines.
The cost of these medications differs from province to province or just place to place. It you are able to identify a pharmacy offering better value for money outside your hometown, do not forget or hesitateto check about their shipping rates and other relevant charges if any. The arrival of the online pharma stores has made it literally rare to discover lower prices at the local pharmacies in the neighborhood. So, it would be smart enough to go online, do some research and finalize the online pharma store offering you the unbeatable price on Viagra or Cialis.